Sunday, July 25, 2010


This article, from the now closed blog, had a big impact on me these past years.
And because I'm in a good mood (or bored...), I will translate it in english.

KFC does not mean Kentucky Fried Chicken, at least not in my book.

KFC is the smartly found acronym by an anonymous blogger who summarized his success in three letters.

- How did you succeed?
- Thanks to KFC
- What…?
- KFC… "K" pour "Know what you want to do". Do your own introspection. Understand what are your deepest aspirations. What makes you tick. This is the first step. Then comes the "F". "find out what you're getting". Is what you are doing today on the roadmap to where you want to go and what you want? If this isnt the case, are these things that you do part of a long term plan? Example? I work as an analyst in for Accenture, but I do not like my job... but I need to hold on because I want to become a "partner". "C" means "Change what you're doing". IF after this evaluation of what you want you realize that what you do everyday is not aligned with your ambitions, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Quit your job, take a year of absence, write a book, go live in the amazon forest... I don't know... but CHANGE the course of what you are doing.

Once you're done. Repeat the process. Again… and again… and again.

Basic? Simplistic? I doubt it... really doubt it.

Personally, I think the hardest step is step K...
And ofc this can be applied to all parts of your life, not only your career.

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