Sunday, July 25, 2010

Aim High

Another great concept that I found on's podcast.

Unless you set very high objectives, you will never achieve anything. Even though you may not reach these objectives, always always aim high.

Machiavelli in the Prince used a great metaphor which basically states that archers aim high to reach targets that would normally be out of reach.

" [...] prudent archers, who, seeing that the mark they plan to hit is too far away and knowing what space can be covered by the power of their bows, take an aim much higher than their mark, not in order to reach with their arrows so great a height, but to be able, with the aid of so high an aim, to attain their purpose." -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

If you aim higher than what you believe you can do, you will end up higher. Aim for a CEO job, do everything it takes, and if you fail you will still have covered so much ground you'll be surprised.

"Shoot for the moon, if you miss it you will lay among the stars".

You need to be way more ambitious and audatious than your nature.
You will reach new levels in life that you never thought you would achieve.

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