Monday, May 9, 2011

Non-measurable success factors

I've been having a great couple of weeks: deals were signed, new potential ones are moving forward, great constructive meetings were held... All is well.

In the mist of all this, I've been wondering what I can attribute this success to, as I sometimes have a hard time cleary identifying my "success factors" (beyond the great management and training I received in my early years).
Obviously there is a bit of luck involved (see my previous post), but it's not like I can tell my CEO "send me to negociate that deal, I'll do good 'cause I'm a lucky guy...".

So this morning driving to work I reflected on what could be my "non-measurable" success factors when contacting a potential partner, negociating a potential deal and following through in building a strong relationship. Well, I've identified the following 4, that I truly believe make the difference in early stages of business building.

Dress perfectly. Be on time. Follow up and follow through. Do what you say. De totally dependable.

Conveying Trust
Be transparent, clearly define your objectives, your motives. Be straightforward. People who know you are honnest and have integrity will be more at ease when working with you.

Conveying Expertise
Only if you actually have it (if not, dont fake it, you'll loose their trust).
Conveying expertise will reassure your potential partner. If you know what you're talking about, and most importantly, if you actually bring added value for your partner, this is a huge step in securing a good partnership.

If your potential partner is reassured about the fact you are easy to work with (not to be mistaken with someone who can be walked on all over) and always keep your cool when analysing tough situations, well he'll be more inclined to work with you than your competitor who gets red in the face at each contract clause negociation...

So there you have it: conveying professionalism, trust, expertise and serenity. Ingredients for success in my opinion.

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